From the Czech Giant Mountains and the Bohemian Paradise to the Golden Ice Axe (Piolet d'Or)
Our double holder of the Golden Ice Axe Piolet d'Or uses TERAG II membrane jacket, KOTEKA II 850 ultralight sleeping bag, KJERAG down pants, MITTS 8000 DOWN and Sir Joseph DOWN BOOTS for his Alpine and Hymalayan climbs.
2021: New Czech first ascent and traverse in Nepal - Zdeněk Háček Hák and Jaroslav Banán Bánský managed the first traverse of the Kangchung Shar mountain (6043 m) in Nepal. The first ascent led along the NW ridge and descended on the south side of the mountain.
2019 - Nepal, Chamlang 7 319 m. A new route through the NW wall. Alpine-style ascent in 8 days with climber Marek Holeček.
2017: Gašerbrum I 8,068 m - ascent along a new path through a south-western wall in alpine style with Marek Holeček.
2016: Nošak 7,492 m - ascent and descent on alpine skis
Many other ascents in the Alps as a mountain guide
Many other ascents on the rocks of Adršpach and Bohemian Paradise
Peggy is an extreme biker with 5 years of experience - worldwide accepted rider in long range self-supported racing, adventurous athlete, amateur mountaineer, ski-tourer and lover of minimalism. Champion and record holder in MTB race 1000miles (1,660 kilometers, which is a very difficult terrain track leading through Czech and Slovak mountains). Successful participant in Tour Divide (North America, 4400 km, MTB), Highland Trail 550 (Scotland, 890 km within stony landscape). Altogether with Adam Záviška the first successful challenger of never yet finished race Lapland Extreme Challenge (900 km above the Arctic Circle)
The most favourites products: Koteka II 290, jacket Koteka II, bivvy sack K6
Recent Awards:
8100 km biking accross America self supported - American Trail Race
self-supported bike races TRANS GERMANY and ITALY DIVIDE - usually first lady from Czech Republic and first lady at the finish line : )
Altogether with boyfriend Adam Záviška the first successful challenger of never yet finished race Lapland Extreme Challenge (900 km above the Arctic Circle)
2nd on Highland Trail 550 – 890 km extreme MTB self-supported Race
Historical best result on Lapland Extreme Challenge – 900 km Artic Winter self-supported Race (nobody finished yet)
2nd on Artic Winter Race Rovaniemi 150
4th on Tour Divide Race – 4418 km extreme MTB self-supported Race
1st on 1000 MILES Trans Czechoslovakia 2014 self-supported Race
1st and Champion of the Czech Republic on 24 Hours Race MTB Beroun
1st on Rock Point Winter Mountain Challenge (222 km)
1st on 1000 MILES Trans Czechoslovakia 2013 self-supported Race
2nd on 24 Hours Race MTB Jihlava
1st on 24 Hours Race MTB Liberec (mix team)
1st on 24 Hours Race MTB Beroun
Personal website:
Lucka Hrozova is a worlclass ice, drytool and mix climber. With many hard ascent all over the world, with 14 medals from ice climbing Worldcups. Besides this world ice climbing achievements she likes czech sandstone climbing and bouldering anywhere...
Ice and mix ascents:
Marketa is at first mainly a nature lover but also amateur mountaineer, ski-tourer and cyclist. She like classical hiking, trekking and rafting as well. In 2009 she was implanted a pacemaker. She didnt give up her hobbies and today again making a lot of adventures to mountains and wild nature all over the world. She is frequently writing articles to specialized Czech trekking website and magazine.
Markéta uses jacket Spantik, pants Kjerag, sleeping bag Looping 1200, Mitts Down a windproof jacket Onyx.
She was born in Jablonec nad Nisou, Northern Bohemia and lives in Horni Maxov in Jizera Mountains. Jana is a musher, competitor with dog sledge. She as the only Czech competed in all 3 toughest European long races: Finnmarkslopet 1000 and 500, Femundlopet 600km.
When Jana finished Finnmarkslopet, Norwegian nonstop race for 1000km, she became the only foreign woman in the whole history of this race (since 1981) who have finished in 8 days and 16 hours.
Her hobby became her job gradually and taking care of her 32 dogs daily routine, as well as dog races, her HUSKY School, writing articles, photographing.
Jana published here first book for kids from the Husky dog life.
Jana dreams about participating in Alaskan legendary Iditarod race, 1600km long. If everything goes according to the plan, she would like to start in March 2018.
All important could be found on
Material: sleeping bag Sir Joseph Looping II 1200